Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Shocking: S3x Is healthy For Aged Women, But Can Kill Aged Men; Find Out Why

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Is sex always good at any age? Men are often worried about their sexual performance and its change as they grow old. And no wonder they do here is what the scientists have discovered getting busy in your 50s.

Discovery No 1

Sex makes senior women healthier! Ladies who enjoy frequent intimacy with their mates keep their hearts healthy and lessen the risks of strokes. So, they can enjoy it with no limits as to the amount and duration of sexual intercourse.

Discovery No 2

Sex may kill senior men! It was a bit unexpected piece of news. Guys who get busy often in their 50s run increased risks of heart attack and various problems with the cardio vascular system.
Why does it happen? Generally, sex in the young age keeps males healthy. However, getting older their performance becomes weaker, and many men use drugs to boost it. These are not safe for your heart. One of their side effects is an increased risk of having a heart attack.
Another reason is this: men get overstrained during sex. They become anxious about their performance and try too hard. That’s what kills them.
So, ladies, enjoy yourself and gentlemen, stop worrying, relax and enjoy shorter and less instance pleasures.

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